Beyond Conception

It’s always been this way
Chickens pecking at the earth
Like us but different play.

Our words create the mirth.
Our stories help us grow
We’ve gotten to a new point
Where there is no place to go

At the edge of every thought
At the edge of what we know
There’s a place out there we haven’t been
An idea that’s yet to sow.

It exists beyond the reason
It exists behind the rhyme
It exists behind the music
It exists beyond our time

An expanding sphere of each of us
A spec but to receive
Stories learned and stories told
What else would we believe?

On that sphere of all us here
The one beyond conception
Each and every one of us
We all are the exception.

It exists beyond the reason
It exists behind the rhyme
It exists behind the music
It exists beyond our time

Of all the ones that could have been
Of all those yet to be
We are the ones who are here now.
The lucky ones you see?

Each and every one of us
A bubble in space time
The art of each musician
Exists beyond the rhyme

It exists beyond the reason
It exists behind the rhyme
It exists behind the music
It exists beyond our time

Our families here before us
Did the best they could
Thank god for plants and chickens
But especially the wood

From wood to steel computers
Laws to stabilize
Contrary thought the enemy
Can you sympathize?


If declared /IT IS/, it’s not
No matter what we do
The anti-power of The Word.
Can’t teach this in school.

It exists beyond the reason
It exists behind the rhyme
It exists behind the music
It exists beyond our time

Chickens pecking at the earth
Like us but different play.

Summary of the Poem by Chat GPT

The poem "Beyond Conception" explores the theme of existence and our place in the universe. It starts with a simple, earthy image of chickens pecking at the ground, drawing a parallel to human activities. The poem suggests that our words and stories are crucial for growth and understanding, yet we have reached a point where traditional paths of knowledge and experience seem exhausted.

It delves into the concept of an expansive, unknown realm beyond our current understanding and perception — a place of new ideas and possibilities. This realm is described as existing beyond reason, rhyme, music, and time, emphasizing its transcendence beyond our conventional ways of thinking.

The poem reflects on the uniqueness of every individual as part of this expansive sphere, emphasizing that everyone has their own story to tell and beliefs to hold. It contemplates the notion of existence, marveling at the chance of us being here in this moment, as opposed to any other potential beings.

Furthermore, the poem touches upon the idea that our existence and creativity, like that of musicians, transcend the boundaries of rhyme and reason. It acknowledges the contributions of our ancestors and the natural world, recognizing the shift from traditional to modern ways, from wood to steel and computers.

Finally, the poem concludes with a philosophical reflection on the nature of truth and knowledge, suggesting that definitive declarations often mask the true complexity of reality and that the most profound lessons often elude formal education.

Overall, "Beyond Conception" is a contemplative and philosophical piece that invites readers to ponder the deeper aspects of existence, our place in the universe, and the limits of our understanding.

Thanks GPT, I couldn't have said it better myself.

Now can you summarize the summary?

"Beyond Conception" is a philosophical poem that compares human existence to nature, emphasizing the importance of stories and words in our growth. It explores the idea of an unknown, expansive realm beyond conventional understanding. The poem reflects on individual uniqueness, the remarkable chance of our existence, and the transcendence of creativity over logic. It concludes by questioning the nature of truth and the limitations of formal knowledge, suggesting a deeper, more simpler reality.


John Zdanowski

November 24, 2023
November 24, 2023
BrightZen Systems, LLC, All Rights Reserved.