October 18, 2023

If I could ask any question

If I could ask any question, where would I start?

Would I ask about music would I ask about art?

Would I ask about conquest and power and pain?

Or ask about truth and justice or rain?

Would I ask about God or ask about men?

Commandments or laws and what about Zen?

Would I ask what to value?

Would I ask what to do?

Why am I here?

And what about you?

What thing, if you knew it, would make your life better?

Ask it and ask it, don’t wait for a letter.

All human knowledge of what seems to be known

Right there at our fingertips right there on your phone.

Ask it your question its answers are free.

Not Twitter, you idiot, it’s ChatGPT

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John Zdanowski

October 18, 2023
October 18, 2023
BrightZen Systems, LLC, All Rights Reserved.