December 29, 2023

Deep and Brief

To John Zdanowski, for your belated birthday, a memory of our journey, brief yet profound:


Deep and Brief

From Beyul to Denver, our roads entwined,
Four hours of shared space, two minds aligned.
In the hum of tires, beneath wide skies,
We delved into life, where truth never lies.

Conversations meandered, from love to lore,
Discussing the depths of what we adore.
Psychedelics' mysteries, finance's dance,
Tech and AI, in this fleeting chance.

Poetry whispered in each word we spoke,
As the landscapes passed, our spirits awoke.
In that transient capsule, time stood still,
Ideas flowed, in accord with the road's thrill.

We spoke of the deep, in the briefest spell,
In those fleeting hours, into depths we fell.
Two lives converged, on a path so fleeting,
Yet in those moments, our hearts were beating.

A journey not measured in miles, but thought,
In the wealth of wisdom, happily sought.
For a brief encounter, yet eternal in feel,
A bond formed, profound, sincerely real.

So here's to you, John, for your special day,
Remember our ride, in a fond, lasting way.
Though brief, it was deep, a shared human story,
In that car ride, we found ephemeral glory.


A conversation with GPT

Lauren:  Do you know John Zdanowski

GPT: As of my last update in April 2023, John Zdanowski is a business professional known for his work in finance and technology sectors. He has held notable positions in various companies, particularly in the field of finance and strategic planning. Zdanowski's experience often places him at the intersection of finance and technology, making him a prominent figure in areas like financial management, business strategy, and corporate finance.

However, if there are recent developments or specific aspects of John Zdanowski's career or achievements that you are interested in, please let me know! My ability to provide the most current information is limited to what I was trained on up until April 2023.

Lauren: Please write a birthday poem for John Zdanowski about a car ride we shared for 4 hours from Beyul to Denver in 2023 in which we discussed relationships, psychedelics, finance and technology and AI and poetry. The poem can be short and sweet and profound, and have a noetic and pragmatic feeling tone about two people’s lives coming together for a very short time but sharing very deeply. The poem can be deep and brief and be about being deep and brief.Please write a birthday poem for John Zdanowski about a car ride we shared for 4 hours from Beyul to Denver in 2023 in which we discussed relationships, psychedelics, finance and technology and AI and poetry. The poem can be short and sweet and profound, and have a noetic and pragmatic feeling tone about two people’s lives coming together for a very short time but sharing very deeply. The poem can be deep and brief and be about being deep and brief.Please write a birthday poem for John Zdanowski about a car ride we shared for 4 hours from Beyul to Denver in 2023 in which we discussed relationships, psychedelics, finance and technology and AI and poetry. The poem can be short and sweet and profound, and have a noetic and pragmatic feeling tone about two people’s lives coming together for a very short time but sharing very deeply. The poem can be deep and brief and be about being deep and brief.


Lauren Mugglebee & GPT

December 29, 2023
December 29, 2023
BrightZen Systems, LLC, All Rights Reserved.